Cami Bartel

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Work from Home Tips

With the Coronavirus and Quarantine of 2020, many people are now working from home, including me! It’s been an adjustment but I’ve found a good balance over the past week of being fully remote. I shared these tips on my Instagram, but thought I’d share here, as well. One more reminder: We’re all in this together!

1) Try the Pomodoro technique. Focus on one task only for 20 minutes (no emails, etc) then take a 5-10 min break to check emails, etc. It’s hard to focus at home. The first few days I just wanted to sit and watch Disney plus all day, but it’s so important to be disciplined when working from home. Since it’s hard to focus, try to section your day off to make it not seem as overwhelming.

⠀2) Minimize distractions. Turn off the TV, limit phone use, etc. Treat it like a day in the office. It’s so easy to leave the TV on or play on Instagram, but even if you’re remote, you’re still working. Act like it.

⠀3) Embrace comfort. It's okay to wear PJs. Let the comfort work for you so you don't focus on your outfit but focus on the work. I’ve been bouncing around between sweats and jeans. When I wake up, I decide what is most comfortable for me that day and go with it.

⠀4) Keep a normal routine. Start + end work when you normally do (9-5). Eat regular meals at normal times. Take a lunch break. Keep a schedule. I wake up at the same time, eat lunch at the same time and close my laptop at the same time. Especially now, as this is temporary. I will go back into the office one day again and I want to minimize the disruption and make it easier to transition back.

What are your work from home tips? Comment below or share on Instagram with me!