Cami Bartel

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Current Thoughts

Hi, I really really hope you’re doing okay. Before we jump in, let’s go ahead and take a deep breath. Ready…

Breathe in

Breathe out

This has been an intense year. I’m still honestly processing my feelings around it, as I’m sure most of us are. Part of me wants to commiserate in how miserable it’s been. Part of me wants to share positive vibes. So I’m going to try to do both.

First and foremost, I wanted to discuss Black Lives Matter. I wholeheartedly believe in this movement and want to do my best to help progress it. As shared on my Instagram Stories, I have white privilege and if I’m being honest this is one of the first times I’ve truly had to face that and sit with it. With the implications, with the discomfort, with the questions. I’m very much in the learning stage. Or rather unlearning. I’ve dived into podcasts, Instagram conversations, order books (they’re backlogged right now unfortunately), Netflix documentaries and more. I’m doing my part to listen. To speak up when I can. To learn empathy. I encourage you all to take part in this movement. It is the defining movement of our generation. It’s time to make a mark. Not everyone will take the same lane in this movement. Some will be social media advocates.. Some will be protesters. some will be educators; others leaders. Some, like me, will focus on being listeners and supporting the movement behind the scenes. No path is right or wrong. As long as you’re advancing the movement, as long as you believe that Black Lives Matter, you’re doing something right. Of course this is all my opinion but I want to encourage you all to dive in. With that said, since I’m still educating myself, I do not feel comfortable being a resource at this time. I do recommend you check out Rachel Cargle, Dom Roberts, Check Your Privilege, Tarana Janeen, Be a Bridge.

Second, COVID19. Yes, this sucks. It’s unimaginable most days. I almost can’t comprehend how crazy this situation is. Anyone else feel like they’re in the Twilight Zone? That said, it is real. It’s deadly, even if you personally haven’t been affected by it. In March, we all chipped in to do our part. Now that it’s months after and places are reopening, I’ve seen more and more people “return to normal".” The thing is, normal doesn’t exist anymore. Even thought we were locked in our homes, the virus is still here. It didn’t change. It’s still scary. My point in sharing this is 1) it’s okay to still be anxious and not go out. Even if patios are reopened, you can still stay home. 2) If you do choose to go out, please be safe for yourself and others. We still need to take care of each other, we still need to social distance and wear masks. 3) Check in on your non-health privileged friends. There are still people who have medical concerns who cannot return to normal, even if you can. Even if patios are open, some people still cannot enjoy it. Check in on your friends who may be like this group. They may be experiencing FOMO for the first time in months because unlike others, they cannot take their mask off outside. The health privilege is being highlighted right now.

Now that I got those off my chest, I wanted to share some positive vibes to end this entry.

While this year has sucked, we have grown together. I personally have never felt so connected to the world than I do now. Everyone is going through the same thing! We all are or were under quarantine due to a global pandemic (like WHAT!), we’re all learning to work differently and have Zoom birthdays and graduations. It’s weird, but we really are in it together. We’re all in it together to fight racism. We’re all responsible for making this world a better place.

Other positives: This situation has given us time to love family members more, dive into new projects we never had time for, focus on ourselves, grow as individuals, learn who we are internally, among others. This is the time to pick up a journal, start a meditation practice and look inward.

This year is for GROWTH. And for that, it may just be the best year yet.