Cami Bartel

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Career Champion: Rachel McClusky

I could write a novel to introduce this month’s Career Champion and it still wouldn’t be enough. Rachel McClusky has been a life-saver during quarantine through her unique Recharge method and robust lineup of virtual wellness retreats. More than that, she’s become a friend and expander in my life, and just from reading this, I know she’s going to impact you too. Are you ready? Let’s get to know Rachel:

1) You are a fitness coach and creator of the Recharged Method. Tell us about yourself. How did you get into this career? 

Yes! I am a boxing coach at Boxunion and I can teach many other modalities, my passion truly lies within The Recharge Method which is a cathartic movement experience that blends breathwork, meditation, movement, dance, HIIT, and freestyle movement to create a mind and body release. I was a singer songwriter for 8 years and I decided to take a break. I went to a class six years ago when I was in a dark toxic relationship and that class was a safe haven for me for 45 minutes where I could cry, dance, sing, and release. I knew from that moment that I wanted to help people feel safe and release while moving their bodies and bettering their minds and bodies. 

2) How did you get into the wellness space and what attracts you to a career in wellness? 

I started Recharge Wellness in 2018 completely on accident haha. I loved the group fitness communities but I taught in somewhat intimidating settings at ungodly early hours and wanted to create a space for women to connect outside oft he fitness space. I put an invite out on facebook to see who may be interested to come to my hour for an elevated girls night with meditation and healthy foods and over 40 girls responded (I thought that no one would). I decided to rent a space, find a way to get donated goodies, and the rest was history. I started hosting events and retreats all over the country and they are so special. 

3) You developed your own method, the Recharged Method (which I absolute LOVE!). Tell us about it. How did you decided to create it/how did you create it? 

The Recharge Method is anything but your average fitness class if you read the description above! I have been teaching many modalities for the last six years and I kept feeling like something was missing. The Method starts with a 10 minute meditation where we shake out stagnant energy, yell together, move together, and focus on our breath. It moves into dance, HIIT, pilates, and challenging movements to the beat of the music. The goal is to get uncomfortable and find the change in that space. It's a mind and body release. Through many years of teaching I had discovered the best (in my opinion) way to release stagnant energy while getting a great workout. 

4) What is your day to day life like (pre-COVID)? 

My day to day life! I wake up at 445am and head to the studio to teach a 6am boxing class. I grab a latte at blue bottle right after, take time to meditate and then take a class. I spend a good amount of my day planning recharge retreats and events but I am always on the go! I usually have multiple meetings and events that I'll attend throughout the day and teach again in the evening. I wind down and am in bed by 930pm every night! 9pm if I'm lucky!

5) What is the most impactful moment of your career thus far? 

Hearing people's stories from how they were affected by a class or a retreat. I've watched amazing women come together on retreats and empower each other to leave jobs that they didn't like, to leave relationships that didn't serve them, and a lot of these realizations came through taking a recharge class or being around other women who need healing just like they do. It's incredible to watch these women take leaps of faith into the lives they deserve. 

6) Where do you see your career going in the next few years? What's your big aspiration? 

In the next few years I would love to have a team of women hosting retreats and events under the Recharge Umbrella. I just hired my first employee and that was incredible feat. I know that there will be a team of women teaching The Recharge Method in a few years and I can't wait to see it. 

7) Go back to college graduation: what would you tell yourself?

I would tell myself not to limit myself and what I believe I can do. I was scared to leave the music industry (that was all I had ever known and grown up in) to be a fitness professional and start my own business but I knew that I wanted to create an impact on women's lives and believed in myself enough to do it. Don't limit yourself. Know your worth. 

8) How do you find inspiration?

I have amazing people in my life who inspire me daily. My circle of girlfriends is constantly inspiring me. They are out there crushing their dreams and I'm lucky that we all empower each other to do it together.  

9) Who is your role model? 

My mom. She is my biggest supporter and my family is amazing. I could not be where I am without them. 

Rapid Fire:

Favorite meal: deep dish pizza (Chicago roots!)

Favorite workout: Is it ok if I say Recharge Method?? LOL

Favorite vacation spot: Ojai

Favorite wine: I don't drink but I love kombucha!

Favorite phone app: instagram (I've met so many of my friends through IG!)

Best way to spend a Saturday night: homemade meal and a movie!