Cami Bartel

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Pupdate 1: WE GOT A PUPPY

Finally, after years and years of talking about it, Jake and I finally picked up our first puppy together (emphasis on first :) ).

Back in March after Jake’s medical diagnosis, he was cleared for an emotional support/therapy dog. This also happened to be the start of COVID-19 quarantines. We decided now was as good a time as any to finally expand our family. Jake did hours and hours of research until we finally landed on a family breeder in Southern Illinois. We spoke with the family and really trusted them. While it was a longer time period to go with them, we went with our gut + I’m so glad we did. We paid our deposit to get on the list and began our wait.

Jake checked in every month to see if there was a new litter and check on our spot on the waitlist. Finally in May there was a confirmed pregnancy and a litter on the way - - the only problem was a litter was 2-6 puppies at a time and we were 10th on the list. We resigned ourself to the fact that we’d likely miss out on the July litter and have to wait until late fall/winter for the next one. Despite the odds, Jake continued to check in and by mid-July we were shocked to find out that other families passed on the last puppy in the litter and they had made it down to us! We accepted within minutes. She was ours, but we still needed to wait a five more weeks until she came home (puppies need to stay with their moms for the first 8 weeks of life).

Leading up to our pick-up date, we dedicated ourselves to puppy proofing the apartment and buying all the needed supplies for her to come home. While I was super excited, I was nervous it would fall through so I avoided telling anyone for a few weeks. Finally I caved to the excitement and couldn’t wait to tell our friends/family.

August 29th, Jake and I woke up bright and early at 5 a.m. to make the nearly five hour drive to Brighton, IL to pick her up. We arrived around 11 a.m. and I wish I could describe the joy I felt holding her in my arms for the first time. Jake actually got to hold her first as we had a coin toss in the car to decide.

We spent the first five hours as dog parents in the car, but she did so well. She was smiling for half of it and sleeping for the rest.

I can’t wait to share more pupdates about our new life with Pancake. In the meantime, check out @pancakethepugofficial on Instagram and her own YouTube channel coming soon! (Her IG and YT are run by Jake as his little passion project as I continue to focus on Cami Like a Tank Top).