Cami Bartel

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Career Champion: Morgan Raphael

I am so thankful to have met Morgan via Instagram a few years ago. She has inspired me since I moved to Chicago and helped me explore new avenues of wellness and spirituality. She taught me how to manifest and hello that has changed my life! In 2020, she launched Self Care Society, which has brought me new friendships and new lessons. For example, I would’ve never heard of Reiki Healing without it. Morgan’s honesty and positivity continue to amaze me and I’m so beyond excited to welcome her as March’s Career Champion! Get to know Morgan below:

1) Tell us about yourself! How do you describe your career? 

My name is Morgan Raphael, and I run the blog and instagram Bun Undone full-time, as well as created the Bun Undone Self-Care Society journal, e-book, and community. I like to describe myself as a content creator and self-care guide. 

2) You run the successful wellness blog Bun Undone. How did you get started? 

I started my blog in April of 2016, after running it for a few months as a Tone It Up account! I found myself extremely inspired by all of the wellness accounts I followed, and I wanted to create a space to share an attainable, approachable, realistic wellness lifestyle. Bun Undone came from the idea “for when life and your bun get’s messy.” Best decision I ever made! 

3) You also launched Self Care Society last year, complete with a growing online community, ebook, and now hardcover journal. How did you decide to start Self Care Society? 

2019 was a really pivotal year in my personal life. I ended a 3.5 year relationship and moved into my own apartment. I really tapped into my self-care practice as a way to fully understand myself, heal, and step into my truth. Self-care helped me find self-awareness and self-love, and it changed the game for me. I found myself more confident and happier than ever before. I knew I wanted to create an e-book of some kind, and one day, it just occurred to me that all of the practices I followed myself could be compiled in a book to guide others through the same journey. It has been the most amazing process to create and then witness the shifts happening within the community.

4) What does your day-to-day look like? 

My day typically starts with my very special matcha (or coffee) and journaling routine, then I plan out my day and follow it with a workout. After eating breakfast, I’m pretty much working all day! The type of work varies each day, but for the most part it’s emails, drafting content for brands, creating graphics for SCS, posting on Instagram, planning events, and lots of admin work. I typically shoot content on weekends and host zooms then too! I LOVE the flexibility and have gotten used to the ebb and flow of each day looking a bit different and I always make sure to take breaks (Facetimes and walks outside are my favorite).

5) How do you balance blogging, Self Care Society, your individual wellness practices and general life? 

The great part is how much they all overlap! I share so much of my day-to-day life and self-care/wellness practices, that organically I am able to knock out both at once ;). I will say, finding balance and setting boundaries has been key for me. It is so easy to get caught up in the work without taking breaks. Lately, I’ve really tried to honor breaks by disconnecting at night and reading instead. I love to charge my phone in the living room before bed too! I also have been taking more days offline (like Saturdays) to be present and it feels amazing. Disconnecting IS self-care – in order to connect back to yourself + others around you, so it’s important to prioritize that. 

6) What is your biggest challenge in owning your own business? Proudest moment? 

I would say the most challenging are the comparison game and the fear of the unknown. I definitely still go in waves where I experience self-doubt. BUT, what’s important is sharing what’s most authentic to me and knowing that is MORE THAN ENOUGH. I always try to share relatable tips/tricks/inspiration around what I’m currently going through and I always find those posts resonate the most. I would also say the fear of the uknown is another one. As a blogger who relies mainly on paid partnerships, you truly don’t know what is incoming sometimes! Also…taxes – LOL, not my strong suit.

My proudest moment has definitely been all aspects of Self-Care Society. It’s the first product I launched that was entirely created from my own heart and experience. When I finished writing it last year, I cried, and was so proud, yet I had no idea what it would turn into today! Seeing it come to life alongside the most incredible community of women has truly blown me away. I am so grateful!  

7) What is your favorite memory since starting Bun Undone? Was there a moment when you felt like you "made it"?

I think my favorite memories are the in-person events I hosted (I miss them and can’t wait to hug IRL again) and also becoming a Calia by Carrie Underwood ambassador. It felt like such an honor to be alongside that group of women who I admire so much! And of course, launching SCS!

8) What advice would you give to any young woman looking to start a blog and/or business?

If it’s going to light you up, and if it’s your passion, it is always worth saying yes and taking the leap. This is a space for you to create whatever you want it to be! Also, there is only one you. Share what you’re passionate about and always show your most authentic self and the rest will follow! 

9) Where do you see your career going in the next few years? What's your big aspiration? 

I’ve always been so forward-thinking but lately I’ve honestly just been riding the wave and am so excited to see what happens! With that said, I’ve definitely put many things on my vision board. My dream would be to continue to create new versions of the SCS Journal, and to have it in brick and mortar stores like Papersource, Barnes and Noble, etc.! I’m also really interested in getting more into the home self-care space. I’m looking into taking courses on feng sheui/interior design, and would love to even have a collab with a candle company. Manifesting! 

10) How do you find inspiration?

I find SO much inspiration from the community + truly my own life experience. I often share what I need to hear. When I’m stuck, I turn to pinterest / my explore page a lot. It is LOADED with quotes, beautiful homes and puppies, haha! But trust me, I get in ruts all the time! 

11) Who is your role model? 

Honestly my Mom! She’s my rock and truly is such a hardworking, giving woman. 

12) How are you embracing your career in 2021? 

By truly just trusting my gut + following what lights me up. I’ve had a few ideas recently that have given me butterflies, so I’m just excited to dive in, create and see what unfolds! I also am really trying to focus on more celebration in 2021. It is so easy to go through the day-to-day work day without celebrating ourselves + our accomplishments. 

Rapid Fire

Favorite self-care act: Baths, ice rolling, journaling 

First place to visit after COVID: Home and anywhere warm! 

Favorite meal: Tacos or sushi

Favorite book: “It Ends with Us” - Colleen Hoover

Favorite phone app: Lightroom, Tiktok

Best way to spend a Saturday: Disconnected and present with those I love!